How to setup Hotmail in Outlook 2010


The tutorial will help you learn how to setup your Hotmail account with Outlook 2010. It is easy and fast. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to setup Hotmail account.

First of all Install and Start the Outlook 2010 on your computer

If you are opening for the first time, a window will open automatically asking you to setup an email account.

If this is not your first time or you have earlier open your account, you have to open it manually. Move the mouse curser to the Outlook ‘File’ menu and drag to ‘Info’, then ‘Add Account’.

A new window start, choose ‘Manual Configure Server Setting or Additional Server Types’ and then ‘Next’.

The new window will ask you choose one of three options, choose the ‘Internet E-Mail’ and ‘Next’.

The new window email setting will open, Before setting up your email account, activate POP in Hotmail.

  • Visit your Hotmail account, go to the ‘Configuration’ which flashes at the top of the email account page.
  • Choose More mail settings and choose ‘connect devices and app with POP’
  • Activate POP

Now, you can setup your email account. Fill the information carefully. Visit ‘More Settings’ for advanced setting.

These are a few simple steps to follow to setup Hotmail in Outlook 2010. We hope you don’t need to go for technical assistance. You can able to do this task on your own.

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